Teaching on the Heart | Zakai Carter Testimony

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Pastor Adonica’s teaching on the heart last week was well to be honest both amazing and painful. So I guess you could say it was amazingly painful.  The class was amazing because of the truth that everything begins and ends with the heart was revealed to me during the sessions and it was painful because she challenged me to examine what is in my own heart. As humans we have a tendency to point out others faults but ignore our own. So instead of thinking how loose some peoples mouths are during this class I  began to see that I have a real problem with my own mouth.  I sometimes have pointless conversations, sometimes I’m just loud, and sometimes I am just completely negative. I didn’t really know how bad it was until this week.  The thing that I realized because of this class is that, my mouth is a direct representation of what is in my heart.  I’ve heard that or something similar to that said hundreds of times but last week it became real to me.  I understand now that I won’t engage in pointless, empty conversations if my heart is right before the Lord. Because rather than being focused on my fleshly desires I will be focused on what Gods desires for me.  Each human being is going to have to give an account for every word that they have ever spoken.  I learned that everything that we do begins with the right heart attitude. I’m struggling with my mouth but if I get the word in my heart then I will be able to control it. If someone has bitterness if they get their heart right then they will not be bitter anymore.  This lesson is one that I am going to take with me for the rest of my life because I know if I can apply this truth to my life I take the limits off of what God can do in and through me.